Renegade Network Marketer...
For The Average Joe!

The Renegade Network Marketer...I Really Think You Should Check This Out, No Matter What Type Of Business You Have!

I recently ran across this website that I think you should take a look at. The marketing concepts I learned here make so much sense, and can be applied to ANY business, not just a network marketing business!

I think you'll find it really interesting. Here's the link:

The Renegade Network Marketer

The author, Ann Sieg, basically talks about how to build a huge business without having to talk to anyone you know.

I think it's brilliant, even though it totally goes against the grain of anything I've read about network marketing before. It even claims that you can get paid to prospect people and make money whether you sponsor them or not.

In addition, almost all of the concepts can be applied to any doesn't have to be a network marketing business!

Check it out, see what you think.

To Your Success...

David Jesse, Your Fellow Average Joe

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